Head of programme and curator Feature Film Competition | Public relations
Angelina Maccarone wrote song lyrics for (amongst others) Udo Lindenberg, a German popstar, before graduating from the University of Hamburg with a degree in German and American studies. In 1992 she began to write first screenplays and then in 1995 she presented her legendary debut Will Mausi Come Out?! As director and writer, she made various films for cinema and TV which ran at international festivals. With Punish Me, she won the Golden Leopard at the Festival del film Locarno in 2005. Since 2014, Maccarone has been a professor of film directing at the Film University in Babelsberg › Konrad Wolf ‹. She is currently working on another film.
Ana Cruz Navarro graduated in communication sciences before studying film at the University of Southern California and specialising in documentary film direction at the BBC in London. For over thirty years, she has worked as a screenwriter, producer and director. She has written three books. She was Vice-president of Production and Programming at TV Channel 22 and director of the Mexican Cineteca Nacional. In 2014, she acted as adviser to the President of the National Council for Culture and Arts in Mexico. She is currently working on a new documentary.
Marilyn Watelet began her career at Belgian TV. In 1975, with Chantal Akerman, Watelet set up the Paradise Film Company, where she worked on many of the exceptional director‘s films – from A Whole Night (1982) to Down There (2006). As a producer, location manager and assistant director, she was involved in over thirty feature films and documentaries. In 1994, with End of the Century, a documentary about Havana‘s largest department store, she launched out on her own. Since 1992, she has held a teaching post at the Institut National Supérieur des Arts du Spectacle et des Techniques de Diffusion (INSAS) in Brussels. She is currently active as a radio director.
Ana Cristina Barragán
»Ich suche nach einer Erzählweise, die große Gefühle hervorruft, indem sie nur wenige Dinge erzählt, nur die Spitze ungesehener Dinge […]
Rachel Lang
»Jeder Film ist ein gewaltiges Abenteuer der Initiationen, jede Erfahrung des Schreibens, Drehens und Schneidens ein Prototyp. Aber du musst […]
Jules Herrmann
»Es gibt einen magischen Ort in der Picardie, wo der Pfau ruft und wunderbare Dinge wie von selbst entstehen. Hier […]
Elite Zexer
Die Feierlichkeiten in einem Beduinendorf am Rande der israelischen Negev-Wüste sind in vollem Gang. Jalila ist Gastgeberin auf der Hochzeit […]
Chloé Zhao
»Alles, was in der freien Wildbahn lebt, hat etwas Böses in sich. Einen Teil davon willst du lassen, da er […]
Helen Walsh
Die 16-jährige Shelly lebt mit ihren Brüdern Andy und Jerome in einer Sozialwohnung in Cheshire. Sie ist den beiden mehr […]
Lili Horváth
»Du bist an einem Mittwoch geboren und Mittwochskinder können im Leben alles erreichen, was sie wollen.« Das sind die letzten […]
Svetla Tsotsorkova
»Jajda ist ein Film über die Art von Liebe, die kommt, wenn wir sie am wenigsten erwarten, [und] die uns […]