Head of organisation Female Gaze
Yoliswa von Dallwitz (born 1975) studied Fine Art Photography and History of Arts for two years at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa. She subsequently worked on various South African and German film and television productions. Between 1999 and 2005, she studied at Film University Babelsberg in Potsdam, graduating with a degree in cinematography. She has been a member of the European Film Academy and the German Film Academy since 2013. Since 2014 she has been teaching at Film University Babelsberg in Potsdam, and since 2016 at the University of Malta. Her work as a cinematographer includes numerous international feature and documentary films.
Antonia Kilian (born 1986) is a director, cinematographer and producer of feature films and documentary films and is based in Kassel and Berlin. She studied Visual Communication and Art and Media at the Berlin University of the Arts, and Cinematography at the Film University Babelsberg and at the ISA in Havana, Cuba. Her directorial debut, The Other Side of the River, won her many awards as well as an Honourable Mention from the jury for the National Competition for Women Directors of Photography at IFFF 2022. Her production company, Pink Shadow Films, is based in Kassel, Germany, and received the Talent Package Funding for newcomers from Hessenfilm for the development of three new projects.
Agnesh Pakozdi (geb. 1983) studierte Filmtheorie in Budapest, Mediengestaltung an der Universität der Künste in Berlin und Bildgestaltung an der Deutschen Film- und Fernsehakademie dffb Berlin. Im Jahre 2015 folgte ein Stipendium für eine Fortbildung am Global Cinematography Institute in Los Angeles. Was sie bewegt, sind gesellschaftlich relevante Themen, eine politische Haltung, das kreative Spiel mit Humor und die innovative Suche nach der Verbindung zwischen Form und Inhalt. Ihre Werke wurden mehrfach ausgezeichnet. Sie gibt ihr Wissen gerne in Workshops für und mit Kolleg*innen weiter.
Greta Isabella Conte (DoP)
Statement of the Jury (Yoliswa von Dallwitz, Antonia Kilian, Agnesh Pakozdi): Greta Isabella Conte’s camera work for the film Die […]
Jana Bauch
Statement of the Jury (Yoliswa von Dallwitz, Antonia Kilian, Agnesh Pakozdi): Jana Bauch’s film reveals her exceptional talent as a […]