desired! – film lust & queer: Short Film Programme
Film / Violence / Memory
Film captures moments in time and preserves them after they have passed. But what exactly can the medium capture, and what is beyond the technical scope of recording, a process that promises to preserve? Traumas are based on experiences that are so painful they are not consciously recalled – even though they remain inscribed in our body. Instead, they are forced into our subconscious. So how does this relate to the medium of film? The works shown in this short-film programme look at the possibilities and limitations of film addressing experiences of past violence. In what way is film capable of visualisation? What remains hidden in this visibility? These are personal films that explore cinematographic links between trauma and film (history).
A Letter to My Mother
Amina Maher
In a filmic letter to her mother, Amina Maher examines the psychological consequences of the violence she experienced as a […]
Weeks of Sand, Months of Ash, Years of Dust
Rita Macedo
This is a film about retrospection. Rita Macedo looks at whether film can change perspectives, and links a personal narrative […]
Untitled Sequence of Gaps
Vika Kirchenbauer
In this essay film composed of short vignettes of varying technique and materiality, the non-visible spectrum of light – what […]