With a generous dose of humour, the film «Da kommt noch was» confronts everyday discriminatory stereotypes while cleverly satirizing the […]
With a generous dose of humour, the film «Da kommt noch was» confronts everyday discriminatory stereotypes while cleverly satirizing the […]
Tatami – a gripping sports drama set against a backdrop of intense political pressure and personal danger. Understanding, openness and […]
Annemarie Jacir’s award-winning debut is a road movie and a visitation to the land of her parents: Palestine. The series […]
Punk and Fluxus share an attitude of resistance to established norms and celebrate spontaneous, raw creativity. The intermingling and mutual […]
Punk und Fluxus teilen eine Haltung des Widerstands gegen etablierte Normen und feiern spontane, rohe Kreativität. Die Vermischung und gegenseitige […]
Sonne almost casually examines socio-political debates around emancipation and integration, challenging traditional gender roles and stereotypes. Understanding, openness and coming […]
Inspired by the art of trick film pioneer Lotte Reiniger, we present a short film programme about film editing in […]
A film about the sensuality of language, which lies not only in words and sounds, but also in our bodies […]
»This film is part of a process I started when I arrived in Belgium in 2007: to discover the African […]
In the 1960s and 70s, Iran’s cities were culturally open and heavily influenced by the West. Googoosh was a pop […]
Tiger Stripes is a feminist horror film from Malaysia and the first Cannes award for a Malaysian female director. Amanda […]
On Wednesday, October 9th, we will be showing the feature film Elbow by Aslı Özarslan together with ifs Internationale Filmschule […]