SPOTS for the TRIBUNAL »Unravelling the NSU Complex« and beyond
How can we change the field of the visible so that racist structures can be brought to account? How can (post)migrant realities and perspectives become visible and audible, loudly and clearly?
Between 1999 and 2007, nine immigrants, all of them small businessmen, and one woman police officer were murdered in Germany. In three bomb attacks – including one in a shopping street in a Cologne neighbourhood home to many immigrants – numerous people were seriously wounded. The facts of these cases remained unexplained until the so-called National Socialist Underground (NSU) exposed itself in 2011 and admitted to the crimes. To this day the series of murders and attacks has not been completely clarified. There are still unresolved questions related to, for instance, the right-wing radical environment around the NSU, as well as to the role of the German domestic secret service (the »Verfassungsschutz«), which had numerous informants in the perpetrators’ circle.What has become clear, however, is how deeply racism is entrenched in German society. We see this very strongly in the wilful ignorance of the police and security bodies. For many years, their investigations have consistently taken wrong directions, apparently failing to recognize racism as a motivation for the crimes. And they are still downplaying its centrality even now.
SPOTS are short audio-visual interventions into various facets of the NSU Complex. Some of them are meant to mobilize support for the Tribunal »Unravelling NSU complex«. All of them address the blind spots in the process of working through the NSU Complex. They throw spotlights on the racist circumstances that make right-wing networks and their crimes possible in the first place. SPOTS regard aesthetics as political action. These aesthetics counter the dominant visual politics and their visual fixation on the perpetrators, and the media’s disinformation about the NSU complex. They reverse visibilities, represent gestures of resistance, formulate questions and accusations. And in doing so they look to initiate a wider debate within society.
– Tribunal »Unravelling NSU complex«
Khaled Abdulwahed, Ibrahim Arslan, Hatice Ayten, Aysun Bademsoy, Tom Ben, Mareike Bernien, Madeleine Bernstorff, Cana Bilir-Meier, Sebastian Bodirsky, Holger Borggrefe, Ascan Breuer / Dokumentarisches Labor, cinéma copains, Ewa Einhorn, Amel Elzakout, Alex Gerbaulet, Yara Haskiel, Arne Hector, Betti Hohorst, Bani Khoshnoudi, Michel Klöfkorn, Sara Lehn, Katinka Maché, Vedrana Madžar, Jörn Neumann, ninotschka, Christian Obermüller, Ebru Selin Özcan, Mayan Printz, Daniel Poštrak, Daniel Roth, belit sağ, Ömer Şamlı, Maya Schweizer, Minze Tummescheit, Joel Vogel, Fritz Laszlo Weber, Rixxa Wendland, Johanna Wölfing
Adel, Ahmed, Anna, Nanuk Arsla, Alex Arvaneh, Danny Arvaneh, Stefan Auch, bildargumente, Björn, Maximilian Blass, Julián Bonequi, Melanie Brazzell, Sebastian Breitbach, Ufuk Cam, Sefa Defterli, Christian Diaz Orejarena, Roumen Dimitrov, Ali El-Hussein, g-2-e tribunal translation group, Michael Geck, Lola Göller, Yasemin Göze, Daniel Grünfeld, Maya Fischer, Nathalie Gerst, Timo Glatz, Leona Goldstein, Ayşe Güleç, Göksen Güntel, Thamar Hampe, Nanna Heidenreich, Imagine, Victor Jaschke, Camilla Kranzusch, Frank Lehner / Torus GmbH, Lilli, Rita Macedo, Magdalena Maché, Margerita, Ines Meier, Henrik Meierkord, Miranda, Abdullah Mohamad, Cristina Moreno a.k.a Kalma, Charlotte Müller, Ömer, Bernadette Paassen, pong film, Pudelskern, Gustav Pursche (jib collective), Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Özge Pinar Sarp, Mirko Reinhard / Torus GmbH, Fikri Sahin, Melih Sarıgöl, Markus Seitz, Nikolai Sivertsen, Josef Maria Schäfers, Markus Schlappig, Lukas Soboll, Sylvain, Ute Waldhausen, Mirko Winkel, Kutlu Yurtseven, Jenny Lou Ziegel
Best court ever
Cana Bilir-Meier
Abducted cleaning lady, abducted daughter or threatened girlfriend of a German man: on racist stereotypes in German TV. The video […]
(Against) Randomness…
belit sağ
A short video essay on randomness, storytelling and disrupted stories of NSU victims. e video is part of the SPOTS […]
Conjuring up memories of the nail bomb attack at the Keupstraße in Cologne.
A citizen survey sheds light on vehicles of Neonazis.
A young woman describes her reaction to the arson attack in Mölln in the early 90ies.
Examining the echoes of crime scenes like a stethoscope.
Only one day after the 2004 attack in Cologne, interior minister Otto Schily told the press that »a terroristic background […]
The Spot recalls the demonstration in Kassel after the murder of Halit Yozgat and Mehmet Kubaşik
»I don’t feel like I’m Turkish anymore, actually, but I have to …«
After the NSU claimed responsibility for the crimes in 2011, the German state intelligence agency shredded numerous files of Secret […]