Improvisation theatre and the development of creativity for filmworkers of all professions
with Sabine Brose
Creativity is necessary if something new is to come about: it is a step towards the solution – in decisions, negotiations, conflicts, when writing, staging, designing, directing, implementing.
A considerable killer of creativity is the idea of wanting to do things »correctly«. Aspirations block all playful and original approaches. All striving – including that for originality – can bring the natural flow of inspiration to a standstill. This seminar goes to the source of the flow: keeping things simple, letting go of self-restrictions, transforming thoughts of achievement, doubt and reservation into resources of creative action. Improvisation games and exercises of expression are used to build up an awareness of inner attitudes, of taking in and accepting other approaches and finding the courage to explore unknown, new and individual paths.
In order to remain open-minded in a profession characterised by the pressure to perform, and not to lose the appetite for experimenting and the enjoyment of challenges, we need creativity, spontaneity, authenticity and self-confidence! The workshop provides opportunities to strengthen and cultivate these qualities, as well as applying experiences to one’s own situation and integrating them into one’s daily work.
Sabine Brose
Sabine Brose has worked since 1996 as a film editor. Her filmography comprises some 30 films, documentations, series and music videos, including cinema films such as OTTO – Der Katastrofenfilm, the Grimme award-winning film Frau Böhm sagt Nein and the television award-winner 12 heißt: ich liebe dich. Since 2009, Brose has been teaching at the HFF »Konrad Wolf«, at the ifs internationale filmschule köln [ifs international film school cologne] and the Filmakademie Wien [Film Academy Vienna]. Since 2010, she has been directing a coaching studio for artists in Berlin.
Films by Sabine Brose (Selection)
Frau Böhm sagt Nein 2009 | Edgar 2009 | Tango im Schnee 2008 | 12 heißt: ich liebe dich 2007 | Schattenkinder 2007 | Made in GDR 2006 | Hape Kerkeling – Samba in Mettmann 2003 | Schande 1999 | OTTO – Der Katastrofenfilm 1999 | The Little Girl Who Fell from the Tree 1997