Detting up to tricks with animated film
In this section of the programme, Kyne Uhlig and Nikolaus Hillebrand will be presenting four of their animated films. But they will not just show the films; they will also work with the participants on the spot to make an animated film, add the soundtrack and put it up on the big screen. Cartoon technique is of course something that the younger audiences will also relate to. Our two presenters, by the way, live in Cologne and regularly work for the WDR, the West German Broadcasting Corporation, and its Sendung mit der Maus (The Programme with the Mouse), a highly acclaimed TV show for kids. Their films tend to focus on the everyday world of younger children and the simple and intriguing things of life. With all four of the items on show here, Uhlig and Hillebrand were responsible for creating the figures and directing.
Backe Backe Kuchen
Kyne Uhlig and Nikolaus Hildebrand
To the melody of a popular German children’s song, a vacuum cleaner conducts the untidiness in a children’s room. The […]
Kyne Uhlig and Nikolaus Hildebrand
Children reflect on how to cut back on power consumption. Or put another way: can the Loo Monster help to […]
Was da lebt
Kyne Uhlig and Nikolaus Hildebrand
What else co-inhabits a household where four children live? Well, without seeing the humans that live here, we get to […]
Kyne Uhlig and Nikolaus Hildebrand
An intriguing look at how children tend to imagine their future.