Backe Backe Kuchen
Kyne Uhlig and Nikolaus Hildebrand
To the melody of a popular German children’s song, a vacuum cleaner conducts the untidiness in a children’s room. The film was classified as »worthwhile« by the FBW, the German Film and Media Ratings Agency.
Kyne Uhlig and Nikolaus Hildebrand
Kyne Uhlig studied geography at the University of Bonn from 1991 to 1998 and continued on to a doctorate. In tandem with her studies, she jobbed as an actress and as a sound and scenography assistant on a number of feature film projects. In 2003, she completed a »Masterschool Dokumentarfilm« course at the Münster Film Workshop. Nikolaus Hillebrand studied architecture at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences. From 1990 to 1996, he was worked on the animated film aspects and scenography for various feature film projects. After completing their studies, Uhlig and Hillebrand founded an animated film production company known as niky-bilder. Their work ranges from animated film and children’s film to time-lapse film and art film. Their specialisation in cartoons led them in 1996 to regular commissions for the Sendung mit der Maus. Since 2004, they have also offered animate film workshops. In addition to these children’s films, they also work on other freelance projects. In 2007, for instance, their short film Grün (Green) received its premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival.
Films by Kyne Uhlig und Nikolaus Hildebrand
Der Fischer und seine Frau 2012 | Was da lebt 2012 | Grün 2006