Anachronistic observations on queer aesthetic strategies
A Lecture by Antke Engel
Pictures motivated by desire, mis-identifications, which are taken up in an improper manner, transtemporality in drag, the picture as a queereur or quite simply the strategy of obfuscation – through this and similar modes of thought, queer can be considered beyond andoutside the pigeon-holes of lesbian, gay, transgender, intersex.
Queer desire is understood here as a method, creating unexpected or outrageous connections. It is focused less on other bodies than on other images, and in this respect represents an important moment of queer aesthetics.
By means of film and video material – including material from Pauline Boudry/Renate Lorenz, Danica Dakić, Kerstin Honeit, Nguyen Tan Hoang – the lecture examines the issue of how far queerness is first and foremost aligned to the protagonists or to the narration. How else does it otherwise come into the picture? And to what extent can one talk about queer aesthetic strategies?
Antke Engel
Antke Engel, queer_feminist philosopher and director of the Institute for Queer Theory (Berlin/Hamburg), works freelance in academic circles and cultural production. She is interested in particular in (queer) visual politics – as documented for example in her book, Bilder von Sexualität und Ökonomie (2009).