Dorit Kiesewetter und Carsten Knoop
From Rasul baths with hot stone massage, Physiotherm infrared cabins, soft pack and hard pack to inhalation rooms, brine dispensers and arrangements for him & her. As Kurpusher, Kiesewetter and Knoop delved into the ongoing wellness-health hype back in 2014 and submit to the wellness hotel experience. They finally bring body and soul into balance, tap into their inner child and end up standing on their heads.
Dorit Kiesewetter und Carsten Knoop
Carsten Knoop always liked showing everyone a thing or two, perhaps explaining why he became a projectionist.
Dorit Kiesewetter was one to get to the bottom of things – she’s now a primary school teacher.
Together, the duo have been making shorts and micro films for 30 years, and also run the Lichtmess-Kino cinema in Hamburg-Altona.
Films by Carsten Knoop and Dorit Kiesewetter (Selection)
Die Navigatour 2019 | Wo der Widder stand 2017 | Heimaturlaub 2015 | Durch Bruch Durch 2013 | Der über den Herzog herzog 2012 | Das Translator 2011 | Blind im Wind 2009