auf bald, deine Clara
Clara Hüneke
What would my 15-year-old self have liked to know that I know now, as an adult? For example, about classroom dynamics and comments from classmates, attitudes to our bodies and the importance of role models for a self-determined feminist perspective. Clara asks this question and offers her teenage self some comforting and empowering insights. Through letters, past experiences turn into forward-looking advice.
Clara Hüneke
Clara Hüneke lives and works as a director and author in Berlin. She studied video art and worked as a first assistant director before completing a programme in film directing at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Her graduation film Sisterqueens portrays three girlfriends who challenge Berlin as feminist rappers. She is a mentee of the INTO THE WILD programme and is currently working on her first feature film.
Films by Clara Hüneke
JA (AT) 2024 | Sisterqueens 2024 | Zwei Stühle für den Herrn ganz rechts 2020 | Was Neutrales mit Glitzer 2018 | Parko 2016