Short film programme 2 | from 6 years

Contact person for advice on individual programmes and for booking screenings for daycare groups and school classes is Jule Murmann:
In cooperation with DOXS RUHR
To Be Sisters
Anne-Sophie Gousset, Clément Céard
Two sisters bonded by love grow up together but with great disparities. Despite all the wondrous, funny and everyday experiences […]
Upside Down
Dace Rīdūze
A baby bat suddenly becomes active in the daytime. So much to see and experience on a spring day like […]
Die Sendung mit der Maus: Streiten
Katja Engelhardt, Inka Friese
Why do people argue? What does it feel like to have an argument and how do you resolve it? What […]
Ursula Ulmi
How did reef fish get their bright colours? An old legend from the Ziag-Zagaz clan from Papua New Guinea provides […]
What’s Up with the Sky?
Irene Iborra
The sun and moon live contentedly in the sky and watch the goings-on of people on earth. But the humans […]