Short Film Programme: Best of Accomplices

They have seen thousands of films and were asked to choose just one. Seven colleagues from three different generations explain their personal association with the topic of accomplicity.
»Although Sarah Duhamel and the unknown actress each had their own comedy series, they also appear in some films as a duo, and that really seems to double up on the fun!«
Elif Rongen-Kaynakçi
»To render the urgency and beauty from or into Arab culture is something I feel is a personal as well as a social concern that connects me to my accomplice Lia Sáile and her film.«
Lisa Domin
»Time is cyclical. There are unresolved stories that cannot be told on their own. And then it’s good to have an accomplice across time to take on the task.«
Betty Schiel
»It is the tender and radical power of accomplicity that creates relationships in and through art to overcome our loneliness and to unite us.«
Cana Bilir-Meier
»Sandra Lahire’s films represent for me a brief but radical time when women were first daring to combine the visual power of experimental film with political engagement, in this case the anti-nuclear movement.«
Maxa Zoller
»Yoko Ono is my accomplice on stage. She unveils the experience of violence. She is courageous on my behalf. She analyses a social event. She empowers me.«
Claudia Richarz
»Accomplicity is many things—acknowledging, aware, revisiting, discovering, political, initiating, inspiring, a creative partner in crime, an old companion, something that leads you back to move forward.«
Jennifer Jones
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[TUNIS] / [ تونس ]
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