Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten
Rico, Oskar and the Deeper Shadows
Neele Leana Vollmar
»You can’t have a set plan with children. For a start, they’re only allowed to be on set five hours a day. Adult actors have to accept that. But children have an ease and enthusiasm about them that’s inspiring. We all benefit from not taking things too seriously.«
– Neele Leana Vollmar
Ten-year-old Rico refers to himself as »lowly gifted«, because he thinks a lot, but in a different way to everyone else. He tells this so convincingly to the people around him that they can only admire him. Sometimes, says Rico, thoughts just fall out of his head – like balls in a bingo drum. Once a week, he accompanies his mother Tanja to a bingo evening in the neighbourhood. Otherwise, Tanja doesn’t have much time for her son. During the summer holidays Rico meets Okar who, unlike Rico, is »highly gifted and anxiety-ridden«. They complement each other perfectly, but then Oskar is abducted by Mister 2000. Rico now has to leave his familiar environment and free his friend …
Andreas Steinhöfel’s novel for children and young adults was a huge success in Germany. With her own visually unique approach, Neele Leana Vollmar turns the story into a refreshing cinema adventure for children. Sometimes the camera follows Rico in time-lapse mode to reflect the boy’s bewilderment, at other times animated drawings take across the roof where the eerie Deeper Shadows hang out. A story about being different, and one that proves nobody is perfect and everything is fine as long as you have a sense of humour, imagination and a good friend. A compelling film for young and old, not just because of its outstanding cast!
Awards for ›Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten‹
Kinder-Medien-Preis »Der weiße Elefant« Beste Kino-Film-Nachwuchsdarsteller 2014 | Publikums-Preis beim Kinderfilmfest des Filmfest München 2014
Neele Leana Vollmar
Born 1978, Vollmar worked as an assistant director for various film production companies after leaving school. In 2000, she started studying film at the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg in Ludwigsburg. Her graduation film Vacation from Life was shown at cinemas in 2006 and won several prizes. In the same year she co-founded the production company Royal Pony Film with Caroline Daube in Munich. The second part of the Rico & Oskar-trilogy, which she also directed, won the Kinderfilmfest Audience Award at the Filmfest Munich in 2014.
Films by Neele Leana Vollmar
Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten 2014 | Maria, ihm schmeckt’s nicht 2009 | Friedliche Zeiten 2008 | Urlaub vom Leben 2005 | Kurz – Der Film 2004 | Meine Eltern 2003