For X-mas: »What we filmed. Films by East German Women Directors after 1990«

We are proud of our book publication. The focus topic of our 2020 festival (»After the Reunification 1990 | 2020«) was so successful and historically relevant that we were able to produce the publication What we filmed – Films by East German women directors after 1990 with the publishing house BERTZ + FISCHER.
The directors themselves tell what they filmed in this book. Women filmmakers from three generations talk together, look at their own work and pay tribute to the films of those who preceded them. The due examination of filmmaking after 1990 from an East German perspective fills a void in film historiography.
With contributions by and about: Madeleine Bernstorff, Annekatrin Hendel, Hilde Hoffmann, Kerstin Honeit, Ines Johnson-Spain, Cornelia Klauß, Johanna-Yasirra Kluhs, Therese Koppe, Grit Lemke, Helke Misselwitz, Angelika Nguyen, Betty Schiel (eds), Christine Schlegel, Cornelia Schleime, Gabi Stötzer, Petra Tschörtner, Tamara Trampe, Maxa Zoller (eds).
What we filmed – Films by East German women directors after 1990 ISBN 978-3-86505-267-4 • Price: € 16
The book available in bookshops and online, you can also order it from us at: bestellung@frauenfilmfest.com
Photo: Herzsprung © DEFA Foundation