Opening press conference

Shortly before the opening of the Internationales Frauen Film Fest Dortmund+Köln on Tuesday evening at the Filmpalast Köln, the press conference will take place at 2:30 pm at the Filmhaus Köln, where numerous festival guests will already be present.
In addition to Aslı Özarslan, director of our opening film ELBOW, the leading actress Melia Kara will also be a guest. We also welcome the three jurors of the International Debut Feature Film Competition, Cristina Andreu Cuevas (director and president of the Spanish association CIMA (Spanish Association of Women in Film and Television), Thelma Buabeng (actress and activist) and director Jennifer Reeder (PERPETRATOR, Focus: Rage & Horror). Karin de Miguel Wessendorf (KICKEN WIE EIN MÄDCHEN), a director from the programme for kids and young adultse, is also represented.
Our artistic director Dr Maxa Zoller will give you an overview of the 2024 festival. Other guests are Chris Baur (CineOne) and Benedict Drolshagen (sPOTTlight Dortmund), the new prize sponsors in the national competition for women DoPs and Stefan Charles (Head of Cultural Affairs of the City of Cologne).
The press conference will be followed by an opportunity for interviews.