Wie ist die Welt so Stille
The World in Stillness Clouded
Susann Maria Hempel
»The world in stillness clouded,
And in the twilight shroud.
So familiar and so fair!
Like a chamber of silence,
Where you should
sleep and forget the day’s troubles.«
Matthias Claudius, ›Evensong‹, 1779
Surreal images of reminiscence in a morbid setting. The scene of the action: the empty and dilapidated Imperial Post and Telegraph Office in Greiz, a once magnificent late- 19th century-style building. Susann Maria Hempel arranges her characters in a vanishing world with black humour and great precision.

Susann Maria Hempel
Experimental film-maker Susann Maria Hempel studied media design at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. She lives and works in Greiz, Thuringia, and has received numerous prizes and scholarships, including the Bremen Award for Video Art, the German Short Film Award in Gold, a residency scholarship from the Akademie Schloss Solitude, Hörspiel des Jahres 2018, as well as the HAP Grieshaber Prize awarded by Stiftung Kunstfonds (the Art Fund Foundation) and VG BILD-KUNST.
Films by Susann Maria Hempel (Selection)
Der große Gammel 2013 | Wie ist die Welt so stille 2012 | Der Mann, der nicht weinen wollte 2009 | Der weinende Dritte 2008