Was nicht in die Suppe kommt, geht ins Klo
What You Don’t Put in the Soup Goes Down the Loo
Kirsten Burger, Laura Vogel
Kirsten Burger and Laura Vogel combine dance elements with texts from Aglaja Veteranyi, the Rumanian author and actress who took her own life in Lake Zurich in 2002.

Kirsten Burger
Kirsten Burger lives in Berlin as a film director, actress, dancer and writer. Her works are remarkable for the way they transcend genre. She studied fine art, drama and dance in Hamburg and Vienna. As founder member of Oper Dynamo West, she has produced numerous theatre productions, films and music videos.
Films by Kirsten Burger
Kunst-Axt 2010 | Stürmt den Pallast 2009 | Zum König geboren 2009 | Für Immer 2006
Laura Vogel
Performer and choreographer Laura Vogel qualified at the French National Circus School in Paris and Châlonen- Champagne. She continued her contemporary dance training in Berlin. She has now lived in Zurich for four years and dances for the OONA Project, the Jenni Arne Dance Company and, as an aerial dancer, for öff öff productions in Bern.