

Kathleen Quillian

Animation film

»(…) and it‘s something that most people just don‘t think about, even though food is right there in front of us every day. We just don‘t think about where it comes from, how it got there and what exactly it is we are putting in
our bodies.« (…) »So the result is a nation of overweight and sick people living in a landscape that is polluted and depleted of natural resources supported by an illogical and unsustainable agricultural system.«
– Kathleen Quillian, interview by Liz Wing of Artists Television Access

Through stop-motion-animation, Wasteland follows the path of the industrial food production system from field to table and back.

Film Programme The Age of Stupid

Director / Script / Editing / Sound / Production / Contact

Kathleen Quillian

Kathleen Quillian

Kathleen Quillian received her MFA in New Genres from the San Francisco Art Institute in 2003. She makes collaborative multi-media installations and performances with Gilbert Guerrero as well as individual work in video and animation.

Films by Kathleen Quillian
Celestial Broadcast for Mrs. Jones 2005