Stern des Méliès
Dore O.
Stern des Méliès is dedicated to Georges Méliès, the film- making pioneer. Dore O. produces visual poetic creations that capture the audience’s imagination. The dreamlike quality that characterises many of her films allows the audience to immerse themselves in other worlds. The images that emerge seem real; as Dore O. herself puts it, »[t]he reality of the film […] is the imagination of the viewer.« The music was written by Helge Schneider.
Dore O.
Dore O. (*1946) studied design at Krefeld technical college and painting in Hamburg and Perugia. She has worked primarily in film since the 1960s. Dore O. is co-founder of the Hamburger Filmmacher Cooperative. Her artworks were exhibited at documenta 5 (1972) and documenta 6 (1977). Her films appear at film festivals worldwide.
Films by Dore O. (Selection)
Eye-Step 2000 | Endo-Heat 1997 | Thermoment 1998 | Enzyklop 1985 | Kaskara 1974