Anja Salomonowitz
Why Spain? »People there are still afraid of God. Where people are afraid of God, you can live well.«
– Sava
A Volkswagen minibus drives through the night, then it crashes into a car. Sava slips out from a hiding place under the cargo hold. He has paid a lot of money to be smuggled to Spain. He leaves the scene of the accident, and soon realises that he is not in Spain at all, but in Austria. Yet his destination is still Spain, so he sets off in search of the smugglers to get the money back that he has paid for the journey. On his search, Sava meets people with great anger, with great longing and great secrets. People who have money, and those with none, people with and without illusions. People who distract you from your destination and people for whom it is worth forgetting you had a destination.
Anja Salomonowitz
Anja Salomonowitz studied film direction and editing at the Academy for Film in Vienna and the Film and Television University (HFF) »Konrad Wolf« in Potsdam-Babelsberg. Her first works Das wirst Du nie verstehen (You Will Never Understand This) and Kurz davor ist es passiert (It Happened Just Before) – both documentary films bordering on fiction – were internationally acclaimed, received numerous film awards and have entered the literature as to documentary film. Spanien (Spain) was Ms Salomonowitz’s first full-length feature film. She lives with her family in Vienna.
Films by Anja Salomonowitz
Spanien 2012 | Kurz davor ist es passiert 2006 | Das wirst Du nie verstehen 2003 | Carmen 2000