Shake Shake Shake

Shake Shake Shake



The most recent found footage work of the collective NEOZOON consists of a collection of animated pictures (GIFs) showing trophy hunters in Africa shaking hands. The mutual congratulation following the killing of animals is a typical ritual among hunters around the world. A seemingly simple gesture that forms a central focus here and that also, given our increasing awareness about endangered species and the contradictions inherent to big game hunting, appears controversial and absurd in equal measure.

Film series Wicked Games

Director / Editing / Sound / Production / Contact


Portrait of NEOZOON


NEOZOON is a female artists’ collective founded in 2009 in Berlin and Paris. The group’s works use the principle of collage, looking at sociological questions about the relationship between humans and animals. Their video films come up with endless new and unexpected contexts for found footage and YouTube material. Their works have appeared at the Centre Pompidou in Paris as well as at many national and international film festivals.

Films by Neozoon (Selection)
Fragments 2019 | Little Lower Than the Angels 2019 | Love Goes Through the Stomach 2017 | Call of the Wild 2016 | MY BBY 8L3W 2014 | Unboxing Eden 2013 | Buck Fever 2012 | Fair Game 2011 | Das Manteltier 2010