I Am a Subversive Person
Shabnam Azar
Whose eyes look at the images captured by a security camera? In her video work, Azar analyses and re-enacts the claustrophobic aestheticism of ubiquitous surveillance using Google Street View recordings. The work is based on the artist’s experience of being declared a subversive person as a journalist and poet. Because of her involvement with the opposition, she was forced to leave her home country following the re-election of Ahmadinejad in 2009.
Shabnam Azar
Shabnam Azar (*1977) is an Iranian poet, journalist and artist currently based in London. She studied journalism at the Centre for Media Studies and Research in Tehran until 2003. In 2011, she moved to Cologne, where she studied Media Arts at the Academy of Media Arts since 2015. She has so far published four volumes of poetry. In her artistic work, she examines critical and poetic aspects of contemporary characters. Azar has earned several prizes for her journalistic and literary work. She has been invited to take part in exhibitions, readings and performances in Tehran, Berlin, Gothenburg, Paris, Malmo, Cologne, Halabja, Frankfurt am Main and Hamburg.