Libia Stella Gómez
»The indifference towards death in this story mirrors the indifference towards life, an open wound in our modern Colombia, indeed in all the South American countries.«
– Stella Libia Gómez
Old Alcides and his wife Georgina live in a run-down rented apartment on the hills of Ciudad Bolivar outside Bogotá. Alcides collects old paper in his cart for recycling while Georgina has resigned her job to devote herself to household duties. She is helped by Guiselle, a 12-year old girl from next door, the eldest of three sisters who are growing up without their mother and being bullied by their father Facondo. After an argument with Facondo, Georgina dies of a lingering hernia. Alcides is as though frozen. He lies down at her side on her bed. He would have preferred it to be him. Let Georgina come and take him, because he has no idea of how he will live without her!
Although Alcides has no money for the funeral, he is convinced that anyone who has lived a dignified life deserves a dignified send-off. So with his wife’s body on the cart, he trundles through the streets of the city, looking for an affordable funeral parlour. This strange pilgrimage is also a means of emancipation – as he experiences much solidarity but also some indifference. It all ends with a solution more than creative.
German premiere
Libia Stella Gómez
Film-maker Libia Stella Gómez studied art history and architecture before deciding on a career in cinema. She made her directorial debut in 2005 with La historia del baúl rosado. She teaches at the National University of Colombia and the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona among others. She also works for the Colombian Ministry of Culture as a consultant on short film projects.
Films by Libia Stella Gómez
La historia del baúl rosado 2005