The Law of the Jungle

La loi du plus fort

The Law of the Jungle

Pascale Hecquet

Animation film
Film Education

A splendid, big banana hangs from a huge tree in the middle of the colourful jungle. A little monkey is dying to get it, but others have also got their eye on the delicate fruit. The Law of the Jungle is a story, shot using endearing visuals, about outsiders and on how we can all be just as successful as the big and strong around us, through our own pluck and subtle skill!

Director / Script / Cinematography / Sound / Production

Pascale Hecquet

Pascale Hecquet

A graduate of the Academy of Arts in Berlin, Pascale Hecquet is a freelance graphic designer, web designer and film-maker living in Liège, where she operates her graphic design studio, GrifAgraf.

Films by Pascale Hecquet
Le parfum de la carotte 2014 | La carotte géante 2013 | Duo de volailles, sauce chasseur (Geflügelduo an Jägersauce) 2011 | La légence du chou 2009 | Une girafe sous la pluie (Eine Giraffe im Regen) 2007