and the image gazes back
belit sağ
An essayistic reflection on image production: from the first tentative black-and-white shots of a human being to present-day image politicisation. belit sağ comments on the codes, gestures and compositions in films and media and what ambivalences lie in historical and contemporary images of conflicts and aspirations for freedom. Stories of what lies in-between and how the fictional and the real intertwine.
Guests: belit sağ and Cana Bilir-Meier

belit sağ
belit sağ is a visual artist whose recent work focuses on the violence of images and images of violence. She studied Mathematics in Ankara and Audiovisual Arts in Amsterdam. Her video background is rooted in video-activist groups in Ankara and Istanbul. Her work has been presented all over the world, including at MOCA, Taipei, documenta14, Kassel, the film festivals of Toronto, Rotterdam, San Francisco and New York, IDFA and EYE Filmmuseum, Amsterdam, Tütün Deposu, Istanbul, Marabouparken, Stockholm, and Flaherty Film Seminar NYC.