A Handy Tip for the Easily Distracted
Miranda July
Miranda July hat für die Videoplattform Nowness eine nicht verwendete Szene aus ihrem Spielfilm The Future neu arrangiert. Protagonistin Sophie versucht, die Kontrolle über ihr Leben zurückzugewinnen. Mit einer gewohnt eigenwilligen Choreographie ersinnt July einen vollkommen einleuchtenden Mehrstufenplan gegen die beständigen medialen Ablenkungen, die im Alltag lauern.
Miranda July
Miranda July is a film-maker, artist, and writer. July’s artworks include the website Learning to Love You More (with Harrell Fletcher), Somebody (a messaging app created with Miu Miu), and an interfaith second-hand shop located in a luxury department store (presented by Artangel). A limited edition of her most recent work, Services, was produced by MACK Books in 2022. A monograph of her work to date was published in April 2020.
Films by Miranda July (Selection)
Kajillionaire 2020 | Somebody 2014 | The Future 2011 | Me and You and Everyone we Know 2005 | Getting Stronger Every Day 2001 | Nest of Tens 1999 | The Amateurist 1997