7th Vocational Orientation Workshop Weekend for Girls 16+ from 20 to 22 April 2012 in Cologne in Cooperation with Cologne Academy of Media Arts
Since 2006, the Girls’ Focus section of the Dortmund | Cologne International Women’s Film Festival has offered young women over the age of sixteen a vocational orientation weekend geared to prospects in the film industry. In addition to providing an analysis of the attendees’ own first films, the Workshop facilitates encounters with women specialists from all walks of film life such as direction, cinematography, sound, screenplay and editing. It’s also a good opportunity to share experience of the films shown at the festival. Women Directing is the title of the Seventh Girls’ Focus Workshop in which two film students, Monika Plura and Martina Plura, will be conveying the fundamentals of film direction.
Martina Plura and Monika Plura
In 2007, Martina Plura began to study audio-visual media with film as the main subject at Cologne Academy of Media Arts. In 2011, she absolved a semester in Cuba, here with feature film direction as the main subject. She has already gained a Cuban degree and the German equivalent is pending. Monika Plura is in her seventh semester of film studies at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts. Her latest film, a work in 3-D, was made with Wim Wenders, one of her professors. She also runs a film workgroup in Hamburg. The twin sisters began making films fifteen years ago when they themselves attended a Girls’ Video Workshop. For the last eight years, they have held regular video courses in their home town of Neuwied, Germany.
Films by Monika und Martina Plura
Ich wette Du traust Dich nicht 2012 | Laura Palmer trifft Freddy Krueger 2012 | Ingeborgs 83. – 4 Omas machen den Kiez unsicher 2011 | Das Büdchen 2010
Eva-Maria Marx
Eva-Maria Marx works as a freelance media educationalist and journalist for such projects as Hören e.V., jfc Medienzentrum e.V. and the Grimme Institute, specialising in media education for children, young people and adults.