11 December: Our short film programme »The Magical Dimension« at »Blonde Cobra« Festival in the »Turistarama«, Cologne

You can be in two places at the same time: in the real world and in another dimension. Dive with us into the realm of dreams and the deepest ocean. Come with me to the underworld and the darkest crypt. Through trance states one can arrive at meditative loneliness and communicate with the supernatural. Inner landscapes are changing. Mystical things and spirituality, crossing boundaries and the surreal, but also self-determination and the formation of myths accompany the transition between life and death. Tragic losses are a part of life and dealing with them can also be cheerful and funny. program
We are showing the short film program »The Magical Dimension: Pictures from the Off« – curated and moderated by Jessica Manstetten and Nicole Rebmann – at the Blonde Cobra Festival (10th & 11th December 2021).
Covid-rules: 2G+
11th December 2021 • 2:00 pm
Turistarama • Mauritiussteinweg 102 • 50676 Cologne • Website