Der große Gammel
The Big Rot
Susann Maria Hempel
The film-maker’s cinematic obituary in memory of the old municipal theatre in her hometown of Greiz. The film material, slides and old tapes found in the abandoned building are etched and scratched until the building disappears forever on screen. Found footage in picture and sound − masterfully arranged and animated.

Susann Maria Hempel
Experimental film-maker Susann Maria Hempel studied media design at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. She lives and works in Greiz, Thuringia, and has received numerous prizes and scholarships, including the Bremen Award for Video Art, the German Short Film Award in Gold, a residency scholarship from the Akademie Schloss Solitude, Hörspiel des Jahres 2018, as well as the HAP Grieshaber Prize awarded by Stiftung Kunstfonds (the Art Fund Foundation) and VG BILD-KUNST.
Films by Susann Maria Hempel (Selection)
Der große Gammel 2013 | Wie ist die Welt so stille 2012 | Der Mann, der nicht weinen wollte 2009 | Der weinende Dritte 2008