Adéọlá Ọlágúnjú
Life is a journey is a conventional metaphor that derives its vitality from the fact that it closely fits the fundamental physical experience of space and time. As long as human beings have walked, have travelled from or to, they have interpreted their lives in terms of travel, quest, passage, voyaging, pilgrimage, exile, homelessness, homecoming, wandering, sojourning, etc. Pilgrimage explores the metaphorical movement of individual human in space and in state, the transitions from profane to the sacred space and back. A sacral separation or detach-ment from the ordinary that leads to an ambiguous ‘outsider’ status and an in-between phase of ambiguity – a walking in the margins termed ‘liminality’. Unlike religious traditions, there is no destination. The journey remains in-wards and out-wards.
Poetry by: Kaleo Sansa
Adéọlá Ọlágúnjú
Adéọlá Ọlágúnjú is an artist working with photography, video and installations. Much of her artistic work has involved considerations of the Self, memory, spirituality, healing and the social landscape.