I Often Think of Hawaii

I Often Think of Hawaii

Elfie Mikesch

Feature Film

»Ruth R. is a 42-year-old woman. I got to know her years ago when I came to Berlin. She was a neighbour whom I rarely saw but her children Carmen and Tito played in the yard every day. The two were very shy, especially Carmen who, with her exotic appearance, was something special at a time when there were only a few Turkish workers here. The kids had a Puerto Rican father, a professional soldier who lived with Ruth for three years.
About a year ago now, I was struck by how much Carmen had changed. Her body, which used to be slender, had become huge. But her mouth had not grown apace and, set in her face with big eyes, it looked small, a sign perhaps of her reserved nature and inarticulacy. So I came up with the idea of making a film with Carmen, about her everyday life and her dreams. She was now almost 16 years old.
When she was 16, Ruth had wanted to emigrate. She was working on an assembly line in a button factory. While out dancing, she met Roberto from Puerto Rico. He promised to show her the world but left her after she had had the two children, without a word. All he left behind were postcards and a record of Hawaiian music. Nowadays, Ruth works as a cleaner.
Carmen dreams of a country with a lot of sun.
Carmen sits in her room.
Tito sits in his room.
The mother has no room.
The problem of not having problems because you are not aware of them while somehow being hurt by them in an indefinite way, that’s the central point of the film.«

– Elfie Mikesch

Film programme Always Together

Director / Script / Cinematography

Elfie Mikesch


Elfie Mikesch, Elfi Tillak


Jürgen Jensen


Oh Muvie, Laurenz Straub


Arsenal – Institut für Film- und Videokunst e. V

Elfie Mikesch

Born 1940 in Innsbruck, Austria, Elfie Mikesch was the daughter of a film projectionist. After completing a photography apprenticeship, she moved to Berlin in 1966, together with Rosa von Praunheim. In 1971, she made the short film Charisma and, on a world tour with Rosa von Praunheim, operated camera on the film Leidenschaften (Passions). Ms Mikesch began to make a name for herself in the 1980s as an experimental film-maker and director. She has worked as a cinematographer with directors such as Werner Schroeter, Rosa von Praunheim, Peter Lilienthal and Monika Treut. Together with Monika Treut, she founded in 1984 the Hyäne/Hyäna film company based in Hamburg.

Films by Elfie Mikesch (Selection)
Fieber 2014 | Mondo Lux – Die Bilderwelten des Werner Schroeter 2012 | Zisternen – Istanbuls versunkene Paläste 2008 | Hahnemanns Medizin 2006 | Verrückt bleiben – Verliebt bleiben 1997 | Soldaten Soldaten 1994 | Marocain 1989 | Verführung: Die grausame Frau 1985 | Das Frühstück der Hyäne 1983 | Die blaue Distanz 1983 | Was soll’n wir denn machen ohne den Tod? 1980