Goodbye Fantasy
Amber Bemak, Nadia Granados
Goodbye Fantasy is about two bodies in relation to each other enacting different constellations of social and political power.
Amber Bemak
In her performances and video works, film-maker, artist, and educator Amber Bemak uses the body as a sight for socio-political inquiry, engages with text, language, and translation to open up discourse around deeply embedded colonial narratives, and commits to linking the intimate and personal with larger institutional structures.
Films by Amber Bemak (Selection)
Airplane Dance 2013 | When the Iron Bird Flies 2012 | Champions 2011 | Taking the Lead 2011 | Getting Ahead 2011 | This is My Life 2010 | Desire in Three Places 2008 | Blessings 2007 | The Listening 2006 | Kryptonite 2005
Nadia Granados
Using her body in combination with multi-media technologies, Nadia Granados’ artistic practice illuminates the relationships between the representation of state violence in mainstream media, institutionalised machismo, heterosexual pornography, and violence against women. Her work is both performative and technological, both art and activism, and a mix of cabaret, public intervention, and video transmission.
Films by Nadia Granados (Selection)
Colombianizacion 2017 | Nadie sabe quién soy yo 2017 | Clean Car, Dirty Conscience 2013 | Selvatica 2009 | The Five Most Sold 2008 | Narciso 2003