

Lasse Långström

desired! – film lust & queer

A dancing revolution swings its way through the streets of Gothenburg. A group of activists is venting its anger at the neoliberal developments in Sweden. Their preferred method of protest is a particularly powerful and creative one: they perform their own musical. With nine radical and self-penned songs brilliantly choreographed into a real mishmash of rock ‘n’ roll, Swedish schlager pop music, politics and sex, the activists take the fight to the evils of racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia. The queer collective rails against the umpteen forms of repression from the powers that be: their street show includes a post-humanist rabbit and a satanic priest(ess). A deportation is prevented by the activists, a ticket controller is chased away in a hail of glitter and an employment office worker gets chained up.

Anarchic activism meets self-irony – Folkbildningsterror harks back to the first John Waters films in which he gathered together his friends from the sub-culture scene. The upbeat fighting spirit spreads out and really captivates the audience. Within three years, the United Musical Activists from Gothenburg achieved to create an emphatic and highly entertaining collective project that rattles the cage of the status quo in a frenzy of song and dance.

Presented by: L-MAG

Director / Script / Cinematography / Editing / Sound / Music / Production / Contact

Lasse Långström, Göteborgs Förenade Musikalaktivister

Lasse Långström

Actor and director Langström became aware of the Gothenburg activists in 2010 via the film Moralists’ Instruction Musical: The Revolutionary Conduct. Out of this grew the idea for Folkbildningsterror. Långström was also responsible for the short film Cry Alliance of Our Hatred.

Films by Lasse Långström
Cry Alliance of Our Hatred 2011 | Sedelärande Instruktionsmusikal: Revolutionärt Uppförande (Moralists’ Instruction Musical: The Revolutionary Conduct) 2010