Angelika Urban, Sales Assistant, Engaged
Helma Sanders-Brahms
»The sober and candid description of the personal and professional conditions of a young saleswoman raises our awareness of the changes that need to be made in our modern consumer and performance-oriented society.«
Statement from the jury of the Catholic Filmwork Germany at the Oberhausen Short Film Festival 1970
Film programme 9 to 5
Helma Sanders-Brahms
The director, who died last May, is considered one of the key figures in Germany 1968 women’s movement. After studying German and English, Helma Sanders-Brahms interned with a radio broadcasting organisation, became a television announcer and worked as a photo model. Her film career began when she met and started working with Pier Paolo Pasolini and Sergio Corbucci during a trip to Italy in 1967. She produced her own, often strongly biographical films from 1969, writing most of the scripts and producing most of her films herself.
Films by Helma Sanders-Brahms
So wie ein Wunder – Das singende Kino des Herrn Heymann 2012 | Geliebte Clara 2008 | Mein Herz – Niemandem! 1997 | Jetzt leben – Juden in Berlin 1995 | Manöver 1989 | Laputa 1986 | Alte Liebe 1985 | Flügel und Fesseln 1984 | Die Berührte 1981 | Deutschland, bleiche Mutter 1980 | Shirins Hochzeit 1976 | Gewalt 1970