«Salt of this sea« at World Views Cologne

Annemarie Jacir’s award-winning debut is a road movie and a visitation to the land of her parents: Palestine.
The series Worlds View is a cooperation between the Odeon cinema in Cologne and the International Women’s Film Festival Dortmund+Cologne.
Understanding, openness and coming into contact with people of different nationalities and origins are our motives for the film series. Once a month, we show entertaining and thought-provoking films from different countries to make the prism through which we see the world even more colourful.
People with and without an international history, women with refugee experience, their families and anyone interested in excellent, often rarely screened international films directed by women are cordially invited to the Weltsichten cinema series.
Free entrance.
Guest: Suraya Hoffmann. In cooperation with the Café Palestine Colonia.
Salt of this Sea
Annemarie Jacir
Annemarie Jacir’s award-winning debut is a road movie and a visitation to the land of her parents: Palestine. Soraya, 28, […]