A lecture by Andrea Seier
Feminism is making a comeback in the media. Nowadays, at least compared to the 1980s and 1990s, topics of feminist concern such as prostitution and human trafficking – both popular with the German TV series Tatort (Crime Scene) – as well as the sexist conduct of politicians are being addressed more intensely and more frequently. But what exactly is being discussed in the name of feminism? How is feminism portrayed in the various media? What other developments are affecting the discussion? How does reality TV deal with the contradictions between the depiction of strong autonomous women and inherently sexist phenomena such as cosmetic surgery? What role do retroand vintage cultures play in the re-emerging awareness of gender differences?
The talk, which will also use BEEF! magazine as a reference point, will explore the simultaneous existence of feminist and anti-feminist perspectives in the media and possible connections between the two.
Andrea Seier
Andrea Seier is a substitute professor for media PR and media players in the special context of gender at the Institute of Media Science at the Ruhr University Bochum. She is also an assistant professor at the Institute of Theatre, Film & Media Science of the University of Vienna. Her research focus is on cultural and media theories, media and self-management, and media micropolitics. She received her Ph.D. in 2007 after submitting a doctoral dissertation entitle Remediatisation: On the Performative Constitution of Gender and Media.