desired! film lust & queer: Be / Longing

This section desired! film lust & queer provides with its own forum for all genres of film that deal with sexual identity and diversity. The desired! – film lust & queer programme puts the focus on lifestyles and concepts of love that differ from those of society’s majority and question prevailing ideas and notions of gender and their assigned social roles.
The motto this year is Be / Longing. Five feature-length films, a double feature on queer punk icon G.B. Jones and two short films deal with the question of belonging, about togetherness that extends well beyond the nuclear family, but they also address the issue of violent exclusion. Documentary and feature film narratives take a particularly close look at collective forms of relationships.
The complete programme of desired! film lust & queer in 2022 with all films can be found at the right here.