Art on the MOve: Scissors, pen, camera – female pioneers of cinema
Inspired by the art of trick film pioneer Lotte Reiniger, we present a short film programme about film editing in early cinema. The scissors were Reiniger’s most important tool and so this film programme is dedicated to the cutting of film: film editing and montage.
Scissors, pencil, camera: the title of this event – borrowed from a children’s game – refers to the playful nature of early silent film. Back then, film was something quite different from what only later – with the invention of sound film – became what we call ‘cinema’ today. The different arts – writing the script, drawing the storyboard, cranking the camera and cutting the celluloid – collided and produced magical, funny, inventive productions: slapstick cinema, animated films and montage art. Film editing in particular turned the world upside down, suddenly making things disappear and time run backwards.
This film programme presents the female stars of vaudeville cinema Sarah Duhamel, Léontine and Little Chrysia, historical rarities and milestones of Soviet montage art.
Followed by a film talk with Stefanie Weißhorn-Ponert (curator Tell These People Who I Am) and Maxa Zoller (Artistic Director IFFF Dortmund+Cologne)
Romeo Bosetti, Rosalies Phonograph, with Sarah Duhamel, 1911, 4’
Romeo Bosetti, Zoé’s Magischer Regenschirm, with Little Chrysia, 1913, 4‘
Léontine Pulls the Strings, with Léontine, 1910, 7‘
Lotte Reiniger, Das Ornament des verliebten Herzens, 1919, 3‘
Wenn die Kleberin gebummelt hat…Deutschland O.F. Maurer, 1925, 14’
Dziga Vertov, Der Mann mit der Kamera, editing: Jelisaweta Swilowa, 1929, 68’ (Ausschnitt)
Maya Deren, Meshes of the Afternoon, 1943, 14’
Free admission.
Film screening in the exhibition Künstlerinnen in Expressionismus und Fluxus – „Tell these people who I am“.
Meeting point: Museum Ostwall at Dortmunder U, Exhibition entrance, 6th floor.
An event by Art on the MOve, a cooperation between Museum Ostwall and Internationales Frauen Film Fest Dortmund+Köln, on the occasion of the exhibition Künstlerinnen in Expressionismus und Fluxus – „Tell these people who I am“.