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12 June: »Baby I Will Make You Sweat« at »ifs-Begegnung« Gender & Diversity

Birgit Hein is one of the most important experimental film artists of the post-war period. Trained as a painter, she defined film through its material, thus transferring the credo of the medial reflexivity of abstract art to 8mm and 16mm film. This material approach brought her into the circles of so-called structural film, which strongly characterised the young film avant-garde in Europe and the USA between the late 1960s and early 1970s. When this formal film art gave way to performative and content-based formats in the course of postmodernism in the late 1970s, her own sexuality became a central theme in Birgit Hein’s films. In Baby I Will Make You Sweat, the filmmaker devotes herself to a topic that was first addressed by artists in the 1980s: female lust, desire, sexuality and – what is special about this film – sex and age.

Baby I Will Make You Sweat
Director: Birgit Hein
DE 1994/95, Experimental, 66′

Guest: Britta Wandagoo (Filmmaker and professor for documentary, journalistic and artistic film formats at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences)

Moderation: Maxa Zoller (Artistic Director IFFF Dortmund+Köln)

Bildertauchen – Birgit Hein is a film series curated by the IFFF Dortmund+Köln and dedicated to the work of Birgit Hein.

For the »ifs Begegnung« Gender & Diversity programme, ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln and Internationales Frauen Film Fest Dortmund+Köln have collaborated to raise awareness of the work of female directors in the cultural sector and at film schools by combining their synergies. In order to stimulate discussion on the subject of gender and diversity, selected feature and documentary films as well as experimental works are regularly screened, and their makers introduced in a subsequent discussion.

12 June 2024 • 7 pm • Filmforum NRW, Cologne

Admission free.