Two Lives

Zweimal Leben

Two Lives

Martina Liebnitz (Editor)


In line with the purpose of SFD film material, Zweimal Leben (Two Lives) highlights the film’s scientific character in the credits: »Two women talk about their lives. Both can look back over seventy years. Their life so far, their everyday life today, they say, is nothing out of the ordinary. Lots of other people have similar experiences.« The aim of representing typical life, as is emphasised here, is reflected in the search for biographical structures. Two women of the same generation growing up in the same street, everyday life in Berlin during the war, surviving in the destroyed city in 1945 – questions and answers are edited in such a way that comparisons can be drawn between the two.


Martina Liebnitz



Martina Liebnitz (Editor)

Born in the mid-50s, Martina Liebnitz was an editor at SFD from 1983 to 1986. The cultural scientist joined the film group when its focus turned to the subject of »socialist lifestyles« and expertise in young East German oral history was needed.