Woolly Wolf
Vera Neubauer
A charming »woolly« cartoon variation on the tale by Brothers Grimm. Little Red Riding Hood does not let herself be gobbled up by the Big Bad Wolf. In the UK, the film won two BAFTAS – for Best Animated and for Best Short.
Vera Neubauer
Czech-born Vera Neubauer is rated as one of the most prolific animators in the UK. Since 1971, she has made over 30 films, written numerous scripts, held photo exhibitions and curated screenings at galleries and festivals throughout the world. She has received two BAFTAs as well as other international prizes. She often uses her work, with great imagination and humour, to look into the question of what influence certain ideologies, myths and fairy tales can have on how experiences are passed on. She now lives and works as an independent artist and film-maker in London.
Films by Vera Neubauer
P1030799.MP4 2014 | Life Story 2013 | One Day in May 2012 | All Done and Dusted 2010 | Fly in the Sky 2010 | The Last Circus 2008 | Wolly Wolf 2005 | Wheel of Life 1996 | The Lady of the Lake 1995 | Don’t Be Afraid 1990 | Passing On 1988 | Mid Air 1986 | Cannon Fodder 1971