Women Acting Like Staubsaugerroboter

Women Acting Like Staubsaugerroboter

Marion Pfaus

Short film
The Film All-Nighter

Women Acting Like Vacuum Robots is part of an ongoing series of short films in which women embody iconic phenomena of our time. Apart from the vacuum robot, they are cats pretending to be people, footballers, shop mannequins and dead bodies at crime scenes.


Marion Pfaus

Production / Contact

Rigoletti, Marion Pfaus

Marion Pfaus

Studied at the Film Academy of Baden-Württemberg. In the 1990s, collaborated with cabaret artist Rolf Miller. Since 2000, she has worked as a freelance media artist and author in Berlin. Together with Robert Weber and Felicia Zeller, in 2000, she set up the Experts, staging monthly performances at the Kaffee Burger. Pfaus also writes short prose items for German newspapers such as Tagesspiegel, taz and der Freitag. Her short films and home videos have been screened at international film festivals. She also teaches film-making at the Berlin University of the Arts.

Films by Marion Pfaus (Selection)
Phänomene des Alltags – Mieterprotest 2016 | Women Acting Like … (Kurzfilmserie) 2016 | PQR – Berlinale Channel 2015 | Gesichtsgulasch 2014 | Wodka Tagebuch 2013 | Berlin Desaster 2013 | Phänomene des Alltags 2011-2012| humboldt 21 2011 | Bundesligalied 2009 | The Next Rigoletti 2008 | 16:9 Full HD 2007 | Videobrief von Rigoletti 2003