Wo stehst Du?
Bettina Braun
»Live has become more seriously.«
– Bettina Braun
Their home is Germany, their view of the world is marked by their Muslim culture of origin. Ali, Moussa, Kais and Alban have grown up together in the Klingelpütz Youth Centre in Cologne. As they reach adulthood they had dreams and plans for the future. But doubts and reservations as well concerning where their paths will lead. Now they have gone separate ways, even though they still have keep in touch here and there. Ali, Alban and Moussa have stayed in Cologne, Kais is studying acting at the Academy of Performing Arts in Ludwigsburg. The difficulty in putting their futures on a firm and reliable footing is not always unobstracted.
After Was lebst Du? (2005) and Was du willst (2008), Wo stehst Du? is the third work that Bettina Braun has filmed with and about these young men. The film is more than a successful milieu study: Braun presents a warm-hearted portrait of the four, who are still looking to find their place in society. The carefree attitudes of adolescence have given way to the challenges of life as an adult: education, finding a job, a place to live, a relationship … In the – not always free of conflict– confrontation with the director the focus is on dreams for the future, on expectations and fears, but also on the search for one’s own cultural and religious roots.
Bettina Braun
Bettina Braun, born 1969 in Hamburg, studied art and graphic design in England between 1988 and 1993. She completed a post-graduate degree at the Cologne Academy of Media Art from 1995 to 1997. She worked as a free-lance director and designer (for the BBC and WDR television, among others) while still studying. In 2013, she received the Grimme Award for her documentary trilogy Was lebst Du? – Was du willst – Wo stehst Du?
Films by Bettina Braun
Wo stehst Du? 2011 | Nick & Tim 2009 | Was Du willst 2008 | Was lebst Du? 2004 | Durchgangsstation 2001 | Frauen sind im Wesen anders 1999 | Sprech eens aanständich 1997 | Bodies & Borders 1996