The Inside Out
Lola Calvo
The Inside Out tells the story of two women living next to each other. It is a journey inside the mind, habits and obsessions of a woman who is searching for a way out.

Lola Calvo
Lola Clavo graduated in 2006 in Film Direction by Escola Superior De Cinema i Audiovisuals De Catalunya (ESCAC). She works in many areas of the moving image, explores subjects related to sexuality, post-pornography and queer theory and participated in multidisciplinary cultural events in both London and Barcelona. In 2009 she was awarded the most highly sought after grant in Spain: the La Caixa fellowship programme, to further her studies in the United Kingdom, where she won the Petra Joy Award. The same year, her short film Switch! was released and screened in many well-known arenas, from Hangar in Barcelona to Volte Gallery in Mumbai and Galloverde International Film Festival on Sexual Thematic, Buenos Aires.
Films by Lola Calvo
Fall 2011 | Queeries 2011 | Switch! 2010 | La Lucha 2009 | Dia Cero 2007 | No Love Lost 2006 | Fight 2004