Sugar Snap TV - Nationalität
Sugar Snap TV – Nationality
Transnationales Ensemble Labsa
Transnationales Ensemble Labsa
»Dear Sierra Leone, Germany is an amazing country full of milk and honey. May the Lord continue to bless the people and the land, too. But really, I miss you. The home-grown food, friends, family. I hope and pray that one day my country can be like Germany. I beg our president to help people. They really have to do things the way the Germans do things. They have to stop corruption.« Seratu
Where we come from, where we’re heading, where we are – torn between our new and our old home. A place we long for and a real place. A place that prompts memories and raises hopes, a place that poses questions about community and a sense of belonging. What does this mean for the individual, what does it mean for us as a community? The Transnational Ensemble Labsa explores these questions in its music, dance and videos. Its work is inspired by letters written by the ensemble members – 27 people from 17 countries – addressed to their home countries.
Collectively known as the Labor für sensorische Annehmlichkeiten e.V. (Labsa) in Dortmund, young people with and without experience of migration come together to collaborate with artists from a variety of genres. They produce plays with live music for large stages and smaller formats such as readings with musical accompaniment, videos, texts and songs. In 2016, the Transnational Ensemble was awarded the Petra Meurer Prize.