Sorge 87
Thanh Nguyen Phuong
»In principle there was 5 sqm for each person plus kitchen and toilet.«
In the impressively named district of »Sorge« (Worry), contract workers from Vietnam are accommodated in new buildings. A German and a Vietnamese couple remember their life and work in those days, not without a touch of humour. They were employed in the textile industry as needleworkers. The sound of the sewing machine also sets the rhythm of the animation, in which Thanh Nguyen Phuong illustrates the documentary accounts with delicate fabric print images.
Thanh Nguyen Phuong
Thanh Nguyen Phuong was born in 1992 in Werdau in Saxony. She studied communication design at the University of Applied Sciences Postdam. Founder of the association W.I.R. – Werdauer Initiative gegen Rassismus and organiser of various projects, she is committed to fighting racism. She works in the field of graphic design.
Films by Thanh Nguyen Phuong
Timekiller 2017 | The/Das – Receiver with Lisa Tobschall, Julian Dannenbaum 2014