Hanna Nordholt and Fritz Steingrobe
Hanna Nordholt and Fritz Steingrobe
Hanna Nordholt studied visual communication, majoring in animated film, under the tutelage of Franz Winzentsen in Hamburg. Fritz Steingrobe studied graphic design, majoring in illustration, at the University of Applied Sciences as well as design and fine art at the College of Fine Arts, both in Hamburg. For over 25 years now, the pair of them have concentrated on animated film. Many of their productions have won awards.
Films by Hanna Nordholt und Fritz Steingrobe
TeslaVision 2010 | Silicium-Schaltkreis 5 2007 | Tipi 1 + 2 2006 | Drei Grazien 2006 | Yo Lo Vi 2003 Pa Tak 2002 | Aus den Archiven 1992 | Radio Radio 1991 | Keks 1990 | Bi Mekaar 1988