Nr. 1 – Aus den Berichten der Wach- und Patrouillendienste
Helke Sander
The film is based on the following true story: a woman in Hamburg climbs, with her two children, up a building site crane and onto the end of the arm, and threatens to jump off unless an affordable apartment can be found for her by
the evening.
Awards for ›Nr. 1‹
Goldener Bär für den besten Kurzfilm, Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin 1985 | Filmband in Silber, Deutscher Filmpreis 1985
Film Programme If You Don’t Fight Back
Helke Sander
Helke Sander‘s artistic work is inseparable from her political feminist commitment. In 1973, she founded the 1st International Women‘s Film Seminar – the first German festival for films made by women. In 1974, she founded the feminist magazine Frauen und Film. She became known internationally in 1992 with BeFreier und Befreite. Since 1981, Helke Sander has been professor at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts. In 1985, she was elected to the Berlin Academy of the Arts, from which she resigned in 1989 because of hostility to women and sleaze.
Films by Helke Sander (Selection)
Mitten im Malestream 2005 | Dorf 2001 | BeFreier und Befreite 1992 | Die Deutschen und ihre Männer 1989 | Felix 1984 | Der Beginn aller Schrecken ist Liebe 1983/84 | Der subjektive Faktor 1980/81 | Die allseitig reduzierte Persönlichkeit – Redupers 1977