Karaoké Domestique
Domestic Karaoke
Inès Rabadán
»In every house, someone has to tidy up, do the washing and clean. But who?«
– Inès Rabadán
In Domestic Karaoke, six women have their say, their roles taken by director Inès Rabádan herself. Three of them work for the other three as a domestic help. They talk about households and hierarchy, status and respect, habits and dreams.
Inès Rabadán
Inès Rabadán was born 1967 in Belgium. After graduating in literature and philosophy, she studied directing at IAD Film School and gained a diploma in 1993. In 1999, her short film Blank won an award at the Clermont-Ferrand Festival. In her films, Ms Rabadán frequently addresses the topic of alienation in the world of work.
Films by Inès Rabadán (Selection)
Maintenant 2002 | L’atelier 2000 | Surveiller les tortues 1999 | Blank 1999 | Vacance 1995 | L’autre silence 1993 | Synchronie 1992